Tips for Getting your Children Prepared for Going Back to School
It happens every year, yet it still seems to catch parents by surprise. As the memories of the fireworks of the 4th of July start to fade off, the stress of getting ready to send your children back to school starts to set it. Although no perfect formula ensures seamless transition from summer vacation to the start of the new school year, here are six effective tips that help to ease your child(ren)’s return to school:
Establish a bedtime and wake-up time routine: Setting up a routine bedtime and wake-up time prior to the start of the new school year is an effective way to help kids prepared for the change. Establish and adhere to the routine starting a few weeks before the new school year. This way, by the time school resumes, kids will already be accustomed to the right sleeping schedule, giving you as a parent, one less thing to worry about.
Get to know your child(ren)’s new teachers: One of the biggest fears kids have when going back to school is adjusting to new teachers and classmates. However, this can be sorted out by taking advantage of the various meet-and-greet options like open houses and orientations organized by the school. Although this might not allow much time to fully get to know your child’s teacher, it is an avenue to introduce yourself and exchange contact information with him or her. Since most teachers welcome e-mails and phone calls, an introductory e-mail is also a great option as it provides an excellent opportunity to let the teacher know that you are open to communicate and what to be involved in your child’s learning.
Update their medical records: Ensure that the school’s administrators and your kid’s teachers have a complete list of all their medical concerns and prescribed medicines. Also don’t forget to update their emergency contacts if they have changed from the previous year.
Talk to your child(ren): Although it can be exciting when kids go back to school, the unknown can also bring about anxiety. A few moments should be set aside to ask your kids what concerns they have regarding the upcoming school year, and what can be done to ease their mind. By listening to them, you can help calm their nerves and answer any questions that they may not have felt comfortable asking you before.
Have your child(ren) connect with friends: Seeing familiar faces can often help going back to school a much easier process for your child(ren). Because of this, encourage them to reach out to their friends or classmates from the previous year. If they are too young, you, as a parent should reach out to the parents of their classmates from the year before. This allows you to arrange days for the children to get together before school, so that they can reunite before heading into the new school year.
Set up a central spot: Establish a spot within your household where all school related items such as supplies and backpacks, as well as a calendar with the family schedule will be stationed. This area should be free of clutter and all non-school related items. It gets children excited about going back to school and help them to find all of the things they need to be prepared for their first day with ease.