How Long Does It Take Circumcision To Heal?

If you are planning a circumcision for your child or have arranged it, then you will be keen to be up to speed on the right aftercare procedures or want to know how to heal circumcision wounds faster. To help, we have come with come top circumcision healing tips for you to use so that your child recovers quickly, without any issues. Check them out below!
1 – Keep the Gauze On for 24 Hours
When the circumcision has taken place, the affected area will be covered with gauze to prevent excessive bleeding, and this should be kept on for 24 hours to support the healing process. Do not remove the gauze before this time is up and never just rip it off as this is likely to result in pain and bleeding. Instead, remove it gently and if it is not loose enough, wait a few more hours and then try again.
2 – Keep the Area Clean
As with any wound, you should keep the area as dry and clean as possible, ensuring that your child is changed regularly to that the area can breathe. It is safe, only from day 2 to bath after circumcision surgery, but the bath should not be too warm, and if your child is a newborn, then you should avoid bathing until the umbilical cord has fallen off.
3- Use Petroleum Jelly
When the gauze is removed, it is wise to apply some petroleum jelly to the end of your child’s penis to help keep any bacteria out and have an area that is more likely to heal without complication. Make sure you reapply a thin layer of the petroleum jelly after each bath you give your child and at each change.
4 – Use Painkillers as Instructed
If your child appears to be in pain after circumcision, then you should follow the advice you were given at the circumcision regarding administering painkillers. Do not ever dose your child without following proper guidance and make sure that the area is not swollen or infected as these issues will need to be assessed by a doctor urgently.
5 – Know When and Where To Get Help
In very rare cases, there may be a need for yr child to be taken to the nearest Emergency Room for further treatment. The following issues all need urgent medical care:
• Excessive bleeding from the penis.
• Redness on the skin that spreads to the leg and abdominal area.
• A raised temperature.
• Any refusal to eat or sickness.
• Any yellow liquid that comes from the area of the incision.
• Any reduced urination – noticed with less changing needed or dryer than usual diapers.
Easy Circumcision is led by Rabbi Mike, who takes time and care to create a circumcision experience that is both compassionate and meaningful. His years of expertise are in high demand, and he works all over the country, performing circumcisions for a wide variety of families.