Four Things to Consider When Choosing Whether or Not to Circumcise Your Baby Boy

To circumcise or not to circumcise is a question that many parents with boys face. But first, for those who are wondering what circumcision is, well, it’s basically a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin to expose the head of the penis. The practice of circumcision is incredibly popular worldwide, with WHO estimating that the male circumcision rate in the U.S. is somewhere between 76% and 92%. But don’t let the hype dictate your decision. What you need is to analyze this issue thoroughly. Luckily, as the best providers of circumcision in Dallas, EasyCircumsition is well-versed in the subject. Here are four considerations you should make when deciding whether or not to circumcise your baby.
What does the research say?
Your baby boy’s health is a priority; hence it’s best to ensure that any procedure you subject them to is safe. Thus far, the body of evidence hints at a positive correlation between male circumcision and improved medical well-being. One of the most commonly cited medical benefits of male circumcision is a significant reduction in the chances of contracting certain diseases. These diseases include Genitals herpes, syphilis, human papillomavirus (HPV), and even HIV. Besides, male circumcision has been ascribed to better hygiene, which reduces one’s risk of contracting urinary tract infections. Some skeptics cite risks such as penile injury and local infection as reasons for not subjecting your child to the procedure. These are all worthwhile concerns, but when you go for the right circumcision professional, they are rendered non-issues.
Custom: are you and previous generations circumcised
What does your society’s customs say about circumcision? For a vast majority of people, circumcision is symbolic or treated as a part rite of passage. Ritual circumcision has been part of the essential rite of passage for these cultures, and aside from the identity angle, it is enforced because of its association with masculinity and spirituality. In some customs, it was actually unacceptable for a male to remain uncircumcised, but modern times have brought tolerance to the idea that being uncircumcised is alright. If upholding traditional customs is important to you, having your baby boy circumcised is a great way of staying in line with your heritage.
Religion: How do your beliefs impact your decision
Jewish and Muslim culture demands male circumcision. For Jews, all infants have to be circumcised on their 8th day—as long as there are no medical contraindications. It is an important religious rite that is even etched in the Jewish holy book—the Torah. For Islam, circumcision is referred to as ‘Tahera,’ which translates to purification. It is a rite that every male who practices the religion, but unlike the Jewish 8th-day rule, the Islamic religion is not rigid on which age one should get circumcised. The same goes for the Christian community, and it’s perhaps more flexible than any other religion. Assess what your religion says about male circumcision, and based on what you find, you can decide whether or not to go ahead with it.
How painful is the procedure?
A surgery, whether minimally invasive, non-invasive, or invasive, causes fear. Just like most parents, my biggest fear when I wanted to circumcise my baby boy was how painful the procedure would be. After all, it’s only normal to feel your child’s pain beforehand. Most circumcisions today are done in the hospital by a doctor. But this procedure is done in a operating theatre and the parents are not allowed to be present while the procedure is being performed. An alternative to this is to have your son’s circumcision performed the Jewish way, the procedure takes about 5 minutes and the parents can remain with the child the entire time. The recovery is also much faster. Click here to view testimonials on why some parents have chosen to circumcision their children and why they chose the Jewish method of Circumcision.
The bottom line is, only you can decide whether or not to circumcise your baby boy or get circumcised yourself. If you decide to follow this path, reach out to EasyCircumcision we service the Missouri, Dallas TX, Connecticut MA, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Tucson, AZ.