Essential Tips for Dealing with Postpartum Depression
The days, weeks, and months following the birth of a newborn should be, and often is, one of the most joyous times for moms and dads. However postpartum depression, a specific kind of depression that affects women after childbirth, can sometimes put a damper on what should be a blissful time. While there are no guaranteed prevention methods, there are quite a few different ways in which postpartum depression can be effectively managed. The following are some of the most effective tips for dealing with postpartum depression:
Embrace change
Embracing the changes that come along with having a baby is a essential part of motherhood. This is especially true for first-time moms. After giving birth to your new bundle of joy a lot is going to change, including your sleeping schedule, appetite, and energy level just to name a few. These changes can often be quite challenging and can take a toll on your mental and physical health. This is why it is important to not only adapt to the changes but also embrace them. Sure you probably won’t get as much sleep as you used to, but on the bright side you get to care for your precious infant.
Rely on your partner for both mental support and help with the baby
Ever heard of the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”? Well, that couldn’t be more true, however successfully raising a child starts with mom and dad. In some households, the burden of taking care of a newborn often lies upon the mom and the reason being is simply because moms are more nurturing. However, it is vital that dads not only lend a helping hand when it comes to taking care of the baby, but that they also acts as a support system for the moms. Dads can help by taking over some of the duties that moms have most of the time. For example, doing household chores or tending to the baby while mom catches up on some rest.
Don’t bottle-up your emotions
During pregnancy the hormone levels in women tend to increase, and after childbirth, these hormones can play a role in the onset of postpartum depression. Crying is one of the many ways the human body secretes hormones, which is why simply crying whenever they feel like is another effective tip women can use to deal with postpartum depression.
Get some rest
A lack of sleep can play a huge part in further intensifying postpartum depression. Getting enough sleep is an important part of everyone’s health, but especially new moms. Not getting an adequate amount of rest can be potentially dangerous. The reason being is because when you’re exhausted your brain isn’t as alert as it should be and your energy level decreases which can make it harder to tend to a newborn.
Spend time with friends
The company of loved ones is one of the most effective tools for combating postpartum depression. Sure, being around your newborn 24/7 is exciting, but spending time with other adults does wonders for your mental health. Of course your first duty is to be a loving and nurturing mom, but with that also comes taking care of yourself and your own needs.