Adult circumcision procedure five things to know

Five things to know before your adult circumcision Procedure.
So, you are considering adult circumcision? That’s great. However, if you are like most people, you are probably feeling a bit anxious about having the adult circumcision procedure, especially if you don’t know what to expect. That’s why we are here – to alleviate your doubts and calm your mind. Circumcision for adults is performed much less often as most people get the procedure as babies. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the procedure as an adult, whether it’s for cultural, religious, health-related, or personal reasons. Here are some of the things you should know before your adult circumcision procedure.
The benefits
Circumcision is a medical practice involving the surgical removal of the male foreskin – a practice that dates to the 23rd century BCE. It began as a religious rite. However, today people get circumcision for medical and cultural reasons as well. Regardless, circumcised individuals can realize an array of benefits. Some of the benefits include:
- Reduced risk of prostate cancer.
- Better penile hygiene.
- Reduced risk of contracting certain Sexually Transmitted Diseases like HIV
- Reduced risk of developing urinary tract infections.
- A sense of cultural belonging.
- Prevents the risk of phimosis and paraphimosis.
Circumcision procedure
The biggest source of concern and anxiety among males considering circumcision for adults is the procedure itself. Will it hurt? Is it safe? How will it affect my sexual future? These are just, but a few of the questions potential patients ask themselves. The good news is that an adult circumcision procedure is almost painless. Like any surgery, you should expect some pain, but with circumcision, it is often mild. The procedure typically takes about 30 seconds. Your mohel will administer a powerful local anesthetic to numb the area. Therefore, you should expect the procedure to be safe, quick, and painless.
A bit of pain, swelling, and bruising can be expected after the circumcision procedure. The recovery process may typically take up to six weeks. However, the self-dissolving stitches should fall out on their own after ten to fourteen days. We apply stitches to guide the healing edges of the wound close together to achieve better results. Most circumcision patients can expect to resume their day-to-day activities immediately.
Circumcision care is relatively easy. The stitches should ensure the wound heals well. Your doctor may prescribe a mild pain reliever to ease any pain you may experience. Ideally, you should avoid scented soaps or gels as they may irritate the skin. You should also avoid participating in any strenuous activities as this may loosen the stitches.
Potential complications
For most people, circumcision surgery doesn’t usually result in any serious complications. In fact, hear at Easy Circumcision, we have performed hundreds of procedures with no reports of complications. But rarely, some patients may experience intense pain, an infection in the area, excessive bleeding during the procedure, or anesthesia complications.
If you would like to book a consultation or have any further questions about circumcision for adults, the team at Easy Circumcision is always ready to help. Please, get in touch with us today through 314-727-2748 (Local) or 1800-856-6435 (National). Alternatively, simply fill out the contact form here.